Shipping Rates Within Canada
Shipping rate within Canada is based on dollar value of order total:
$75 and up: Free Shipping
$36 - $74 : $20 shipping
$26 - $35 : $10 shipping
$16 - $25 : $ 5 shipping
$ 1 - $15 : $ 3 shipping
Local delivery is available within New Westminster, BC, at $5, or free with a minimum $30 order.
Studio Pickup is available for any order, and is located within New Westminster, BC. Details are provided after order completion.
Shipping Rates Outside of Canada
Shipping rates internationally are based on dollar value of order total:
$100 and up: Free Shipping
$30 - $99 : $30 shipping
$ 0 - $29 : $15 shipping
greeting cards, art prints, fine art
All orders shipped within 2 - 4 days, via Canada Post. Delivery times will vary depending on destination. Updates will be provided via email following order fulfillment.
As much as possible, orders will be shipped using minimal plastic, however, being that the majority of my products are paper based, some plastic will likely need to be used to ensure product is not damaged en route.
Shipping rates are not a perfect science ;) if you have any questions related to the rates, destinations, etc, please feel free to send me a message and I'll be happy to respond back as soon as I can :)